Andromeda Cheer & Dance

adult dance classes
in Cardiff

Our new weekly drop-in dance class is in your hands!

At Andromeda Cheer and Dance, we are committed to offering high-quality dance instruction for adults in North Cardiff. As part of this mission, we are constantly reviewing our service offerings to ensure that we are giving our all to the community. This year, we are looking to add a brand new adults-only weekly drop-in dance class that will be affordable and fun at an open skill level for everyone to attend. 


We want to offer the best for our dancers, which is why we are reaching out to our Cardiff community to find out what style, times and days you would most be interested in for this new class. Just fill out our interest form or send us an email and we’ll get in touch regarding our final decision! We are aiming to begin our new class for the first full week of February, so be sure your voice is heard and enquire today!

Class Time



Training Location

Cardiff West Community High School

Penally Road


Age Requirements

Aged 16+


£8 per session